We are glad you are interested in getting involved at Life Church! It's really very simple...
Attend our Sunday Morning Worship Service each week at 10am
We believe the Scripture teaches us to fellowship, worship, and study God’s Word together on a regular basis. Our Sunday morning worship services are designed to do just that. We spend our time together in praise & worship, and verse by verse study of the Bible each Sunday at 10am. We look forward to having you and your family join us!
Take our Foundations Class
A place to learn about Life Church, foundations of our faith, discover gifts, and how to become a volunteer (meeting in 6 week sessions throughout the year)
Youth Group – year round home group for 6th grade – 12th grade.
Youth group meets every Tuesday at Pastor Dale & Michelle's house from 7pm-8:30pm. We study the Bible, pray, worship, serve, and do fun events together. If you are interested in participating and would like to have your name added to our weekly text email Paula Post at [email protected]
Whatever your gifting, there is a place for you in our fellowship. If you would like to discuss getting involved with your gift, drop a note in the tithe box with your contact info or email Michelle Waltman at [email protected].
Get involved with a Local Mission Project
We love Gulf Breeze and our surrounding area. We desire to serve our community and bring the hope of Jesus to those who need to hear. As needs arise, we organize service projects to serve those in need. We encourage you to sign up and serve with us at our next event or project.
Attend Events
Throughout the year we will take trips, host gatherings, have service projects, mission trips, and more. Sign up and get involved. We look forward to meeting you!
Go on a Mission Trip
We support and partner with missionaries throughout the world. Going on a Mission Trip could be a life changing experience for you. Serving the Lord this way will allow you to bring the gospel and practical help to orphans and those in need around the world. If you desire to serve the Lord this way sign up with our next team!